Challenges abound in our world: Climate change, widening socioeconomic and political divides, corruption. And you are determined to contribute to the pursuit of solutions this year. Yet the problems are daunting. You feel like useful answers require nothing less than an epiphany. However, if you wait for an “aha moment” to strike, you may end […]
Career Check-Up: What Do You Want From Your Career In 2020?
We all have expectations about what we want from our work, in addition to that fat paycheck, of course. Ask yourself, are you truly getting what you want and need from your career? Take the time to reflect on what you really want so you can make better career choices this year. Ask yourself: Do […]
2019: The Year Millennials Lost Patience With Large Corporations
Millennials’ tolerance for large corporations waned in 2019. Many disrupted the world of work by protesting corporate actions or lack of action, quitting their jobs, and looking elsewhere for ways to make a living.
Less Is More: New Year’s Resolutions For Your Workplace
What will you do in 2020 to make your workplace better? The New Year holiday is an ideal time to address this question. Undoubtedly many of you are following the age-old tradition of reflecting and resolving as this year ends and the new one begins. In addition to making your personal New Year’s resolutions, consider […]
Your Professional Legacy: Create A Culture To Support What Matters
How do you respond when asked you what you do for a living? When his young daughter asked him this question, recovering lawyer, Bryan de Lottinville, answered, “I fix up companies and sell them for as much as I can, honey.” Suddenly he grasped he was not creating the professional legacy he desired. “I had […]
3 Secrets To Creating A Motivating Workplace
No one, regardless of role or position in a company, can force employees to engage. Why? Because engagement is an emotional involvement or commitment that is part of our internal work-life experience. However, leaders can establish the conditions at work that increase the likelihood that we will engage.
The Single Most Important Thing You Need To Know To Create An Engaging Culture
A straightforward solution for creating a distinctive and sustainable culture is within your reach. While not mysterious, this universal cure-all is miraculous: give your employees, colleagues, and coworkers a reason to believe!
Wondering How To Establish The Best Culture For Your Social Impact Startup? Here’s How
Originally published in If you are an entrepreneur launching a new company, undoubtedly, you are excited about your unique and innovative offerings. And if you are founding a business for social impact, you are likely to feel especially exhilarated. Yet you know that you must do the hard work of planning for your startup. […]
Five Reasons To Work For A Woman-Owned Small Business
Take a look at small businesses, especially those that are owned by women. Why? Because these companies provide supportive work environments, offer opportunities for personal growth and can enable you to make a meaningful contribution to society through your work.
3 Things You Must Know To Avoid A Culture Calamity: Lessons Learned From Boeing
Originally published at Organizational culture can determine companies’ fates and fortunes. And leaders set the tone for the culture. News headlines this week shine a spotlight on these facts. Boeing’s CEO, Dennis Muilenburg, testified in Senate hearings this week. The purpose of the meetings was to examine the company’s behavior related to their plane, […]